Marcos(Marcos Hernández) is a working class man in Mexico, employed by "thegeneral". Marcos learns that the baby that he and his wife kidnappedfor ransom had accidentally died. The remainder of the film follows adespondent Marcos, seemingly haunted by the moral and / or legalimplications of his actions.
Marcosstands next to his wife Berta (Berta Ruiz) at the subway as she sellsclocks and sweets at a stand. He travels to the airport to meet the"general's" upper-middle class daughter, Ana (Anapola Mushkadiz) who hehas known since she was a child. Ana orders Marcos to take her to the"boutique" where she works in the sex trade. While driving, Marcos isvery distracted, and at one point stalls the car. Ana recognises thatsomething is wrong, but Marcos claims he's distracted only because ofhis wife's supposed ill health.
Anainvites Marcos into the "boutique", so that he can have sex with one ofher "friends". Marcos is apparently not aroused by the "friend". Thefriend tells Ana that Marcos would prefer her instead. Ana goes to talkto Marcos, and reminds him that they have known each other since herchildhood. Marcos then reveals that he and his wife kidnapped a babybut the baby died before they could collect any ransom. Ana seems toremain composed at hearing this news........
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